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Capstar for Cats & Small Dogs 2 - 25 lbs - BLUE - 6 tablets

Capstar for Cats & Small Dogs 2 - 25 lbs - BLUE - 6 tablets
Part# 1200
Type Flea & Tick
Brand Capstar
Color / Dose Blue Box
Pack Size 6 tablets
Pet Dogs & Cats
Pet Weight 2 - 25 lbs
Expires 2026-Feb-1
User Rating  [Rate It!]
4.73 out of 5
(11 times)  [View Details!]

Unit Price $27.80

Capstar protects your dog from fleas, which apart from being irritating to dogs, can also carry tapeworm and other illnesses, as well as infesting your home. Capstar for dogs, an orally-administered tablet, provides fast and efficient treatment for fleas, killing the pests within 30 minutes. A single dose of Capstar kills adult fleas on your dog and provides protection. Treating your dogs from fleas and parasites has never been so easy!


CAPSTAR Tablets should be administered according to the following schedule. Weigh your pet prior to administration to ensure proper dosage. Do not administer to pets under 2 pounds.

Color Pets Weight (lb) Weight (kg) Nitenpyram/Tablet
Blue Small Dogs & Cats 2 - 25lbs 1 to 11.4kg 11.4mg
Green Dogs Only 25.1 - 125lbs 11.5 - 57kg 57.0mg

Manufacturer : Novartis Animal Health

5 - by anonymous on 2016-May-29
I would give this occasionally to a feral cat that I fed for two years. He wouldn't let me touch him so topical drops were not an option. This works fast for more than just fleas. The feral cat I was feeding went missing for a week and then appear
5 - by K. Kelley, Minneapolis, MN on 2011-Sep-4
holy fleas, batman! it works! - I've got fleas. Well, I don't. My cat does, obviously. Anyway, my indoor cat somehow ended up with fleas? Not exactly sure how? The Universe works in mysterious ways. It all started when I spotted a flea on my cat and the next day I was at my vet where they sold me 80 dollars worth of Frontline that appears to be doing absolutely nothing. I know I love wasting 80 dollars, I'm sure you do, too. A week later, still finding fleas by the dozen on my poor cat, I had my apartment exterminated. (yes, with chemicals, sorry to the green people) I needed something, anything, to kill the fleas on her before bringing her back into my exterminated home. I read about Capstar in many different "how to get rid of fleas" articles, so I called my vet and asked if they sold the product. They did not, so I came on and sure enough, 20 dollars and one day later, Capstar arrived at my front door the very day of my extermination. I grabbed the cat, the Capstar, and vacated. I gave my cat one pill, and by give, I mean forced it down her throat while she screamed horribly and bit me. Believe me, I tried nearly everything before resorting to forceful insertion. I've got one picky cat on my hands. 30 minutes later, she was scratching herself like crazy. From reading the reviews, I knew that meant magic was happening! Sure enough, fleas were falling off of her. They looked a little like when you wake up on your bathroom floor after a night of heavy drinking and the room is spinning and you are convinced that your head is going to explode within a matter of seconds. They walked around with their gas induced soon-to-be-death hangovers and then died. It was awesome! I laughed maniacally and danced a little. I have to admit, my life is very sad, because seeing those fleas die... well, it was one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed. I gave my cat a bath with some flea shampoo so I could kill all the eggs and larvae. Hours later, we were back home in my chemical smelling apartment and I haven't seen a flea since! Capstar, I love you. Please let me have your babies immediately.
4 - by CentralFloridian on 2010-Sep-29
Capstar Flea Problem solver - This was great for my outside cats which infested my housedog, who of course infested my nice bug free inside only housecats. But, you must be careful on doseage; I did half dose recommended because a normal dose according to weight caused my old cat excessive panting and drueling which scared the heck out of me. Be sure to weigh pet and use half dose on older animals to be safe. Cat scratches a lot within 5-10 minutes but all fleas drop off dead within 1/2 hour. I gave with food.
5 - by Greenstar, Fort Washington, MD USA on 2010-Mar-25
Flea stuff that really works - I feed about 20 feral cats. It is impossible to put a spot flea treatment on these sweet little wild creatures. Therefore, I mix the Capstar flea treatment in their food. I crush the the pill in their separate bowl and they eat it without a complaint. I use Capstar in conjunction with Program to keep the fleas away. I bought this product on , which always has great prices. Thanks for great service and great prices.
5 - by G. Kistler, Howell, NJ USA on 2010-Mar-24
Really Works - Was using Frontline for years until last summer. It just wasn't working any more. I was having a hell of a time trying to rid my three cats and dogs of fleas. This product did the job! I actually saw the dead fleas falling off. I now use Revolution to keep it that way!
5 - by L.A. Garrison "American Daughter - The Sam Hu..., Seattle on 2010-Mar-19
Works well for my cat - Apparently some cats and dogs respond badly to this medication, but it works wonderfully for my cat. She weighs just 10 pounds, so I give her half a tablet (I cut them apart in a regular pill cutter) and any fleas she's picked up fall off and die. My vet explained to me that the chemical in Capstar isn't recognized by the animal's body - it just passes through without being absorbed and broken down. It comes out as a gas through the pores of the skin, and acts on the fleas like cyanide gas acts on people. It's instantly lethal to the fleas. Unfortunately, when the fleas get the first whiff of gas, they respond by biting REALLY HARD in a reflexive reaction. Some cats and dogs who have several fleas may experience sudden very hard bites in many areas of their bodies, which could account for the jumping around and panting. It doesn't feel very good. Flea bites are terrible under normal circumstances, and their "death bites" are worse. About twenty minutes after I give her the half-tablet, my cat starts scratching and/or licking hard at any fleas that are biting her. It goes on for about 10-15 minutes. Then they fall off and die. They don't completely die right away, so I stay away from her during this phase, or they'll jump on me and start their dying bites, and it's not pleasant! Since I only give her half a tablet, a box lasts me twice as long as usual. I give her a tablet every 3 weeks or so, whenever she picks up a flea or two or three. She's an outside cat so we struggle with this off and on all summer. I also take her to the vet to get her Program shot, which works in conjunction with the Capstar tablets. Program keeps the fleas from laying fertile eggs, so the house doesn't get infested.
3 - by bwilkins15 on 2010-Mar-6
Great as an initial attack on fleas! - I got this product because we suddenly had a flea infestation on both my cats and my chihuahua. It worked great to kill the adult fleas and started within about 2 hours. But I would VERY strongly recommend that you have a long term treatment immediately available. I bought a topical solution as well but it had not been delivered yet and the flea eggs already on my dog hatched in the meantime. My dog was COVERED in fleas the day after! I gave him another dose and applied the topical solution and now he is flea-free. YOU WILL NEED SOMETHING TO KILL THE EGGS ALSO!!!
5 - by R. Murphy on 2009-Dec-12
Great as part of a flea-fighting repertoire. - As with many other households, our flea problem exploded before we had a chance to act this Fall. Our vet had given us a Capstar to try 24 hours before giving Advantage to our cat. It all worked, slightly, at first. I decided to take more action and treated the floors in the house with Borax. I then purchased the Capstar on here, as well as Frontline Plus (more benefits than the Advantage). I have not had to retreat the carpets since the first time. The fleas are to the point that we rarely see any at all, and they are usually in the process of dying anyhow. Every month, I give a Capstar to our cat, and the next day I apply her dose of Frontline Plus. I couldn't be happier.
5 - by L. Magnusson "avid shopper", San Francisco, CA on 2009-Aug-6
Astoundingly Effective! - One of my cats has seizures so Capstar was recommended over other topical treatments. I was hesitant at first. I didn't like the idea of giving a pill. But, I can't recommend it enough! It works almost immediately! And whereas before other flea products induced a seizure, this one does not so I'm assuming it's because of its gentleness. The pills are tiny so I hide them in Greenie Pill Pockets for my two cats. They swallowed them down and within 30 minutes when both were done napping, they got up and I could see several dead/dying fleas on the bed! I was able to comb out more and now my cats are happy, clean, and much more comfortable.
5 - by Dawn M. Mckinley "momto4nmore" on 2009-Jul-14
Best Quickie Med -

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